
Use components to manage recurring layouts and content more efficiently across your site.

This video features an old UI. Updated version coming soon!

Components allow you to maintain a consistent, efficient, and scalable design workflow by creating customizable blocks from elements and child elements. Reuse those blocks across your site, and modify them in a single place to avoid individually revising each recurring layout.

You can use components to:

  • Create identical content per instance. Create identical copies of recurring layouts that have the exact same content, like nav bars, footers, and sign-up forms. Edit them in one place and see those changes impact every instance of that component.
  • Create unique content per instance. Modify recurring layouts with different text, image, video, or rich text to maintain a consistent design while giving each instance unique content. 

In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  1. How to create a component
  2. How to use and reuse a component
  3. How to edit a component
  4. How to define component properties
  5. How to modify property values on component instances
  6. How to connect properties to CMS data 
  7. How to manage component properties
  8. How to nest components
  9. How to unlink a component instance from its main component

How to create a component

You can create a component from most any element or group of elements in your site. You can do this in 1 of 4 ways:

Note: You cannot add or create a component inside a Collection list wrapper, Collection list, or Collection item. Additionally, if an element does not support the ability to be turned into a component, the following options will be disabled.

Create by clicking the “Create component” button

You can create a new component by using the “Create component” button that appears in different panels:

  1. Select the element you want to turn into a component
  2. Open the Style panel or Element settings panel
  3. Click “Create component” at the top of the panel
  4. Give your component a name and click “Create
The create component button is highlighted in the Style panel.

Create by right-clicking an element

You can create a new component by selecting an element and right-clicking it:

  1. Select the element you want to turn into a component
  2. Right-click and choose Create component
  3. Give your component a name and click “Create
The create component option is highlighted in the menu that appears after right-clicking an element.

Create by opening the Components panel

You can create a new component directly from the Components panel:

  1. Select the element you want to turn into a component
  2. Open the Components panel (or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + A)
  3. Click “Create new component
  4. Give your component a name and click “Create
The create new component button is highlighted in the Components panel.

Create by using a keyboard shortcut

You can create a new component by using the shortcut keys on your keyboard to open the Components panel:

  1. Select the element you want to turn into a component
  2. Press Command + Shift + A (on Mac) or Control + Shift + A (on Windows)
  3. Give your component a name and click “Create

After you've created a component using 1 of the methods outlined above, you’ll be editing the main component. All changes to the main component will update across all instances of that component. At any time, you can enter the main component on any component instance by:

  • Right-clicking the instance and choosing Edit component
  • Selecting the instance and clicking the Edit component “pencil” icon in the label
  • Selecting the instance and clicking the Edit component button from the Style, Element settings, or Interactions panels
  • Selecting the instance and using the keyboard shortcut Control + Enter 
  • Pressing Control on your keyboard and double-clicking the instance

For additional details, check out how to edit the main component

How to use and reuse a component

Access components from the Components panel. (Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + A to open directly to your components.)

Once you’ve created a component, you can reuse it anywhere in your site. 

  1. Open the Components panel
  2. Click and drag the desired component to any page in your site
  3. Drop the component instance directly on the canvas or into the Navigator for more precision

When you select a component instance, you’ll see it highlighted and outlined in green. Open the Components panel, to see how many times each of your components has been used in your site.  

You can also add components onto the canvas using quick find with the keyboard shortcut Command + E (on Mac) or Control + E (on Windows). Learn how to use quick find.

Note: Duplicating a component instance is possible (i.e., duplicating via copy and paste, right-clicking, or by using keyboard shortcuts), but duplicating a main component is not natively possible at this time. Instead, you can unlink the component instance and create a new component from that unlinked element or group of elements. 

Open the Navigator panel to see your component’s position, and expand or collapse the component to view or hide the element hierarchy within it. 

Open the Navigator panel to see where your component is located in your design. Expand or collapse your component to see its contents, including other nested components.

How to edit a component

Let’s walk through the various ways you can interact with and edit a component: 

Edit the main component

To make the same changes across all instances of a component, you’ll need to edit the main component. You can edit the main component on any component instance by:

  • Right-clicking the instance and choosing Edit component
  • Selecting the instance and clicking the Edit component “pencil” icon in the label
  • Selecting the instance and clicking the Edit component button from the Style, Element settings, or Interactions panels
  • Selecting the instance and using the keyboard shortcut Control + Enter 
  • Pressing Control on your keyboard and double-clicking the instance
Right-click a component instance and choose “Edit component” to edit the main component. 
Select the component instance and click the “pencil” icon in the label to edit the main component. 
Select the component instance. Open the Style, Element settings, or Interactions panels, and click the “Edit component” button to edit the main component. In this example, the button is shown in the Style panel.

If you’ve selected an element that’s inside a nested component, the “Edit component” button shows a dropdown that lets you choose whether to enter the main component of the parent component, or the main component of the nested component.

The “card” component is the parent component, and the “Button” component is the nested component inside the “card” component. You can choose which component’s main component you want to edit.

In the main component view, you’ll see the default values for your component properties in the Element settings panel.

Component properties let you define specific element values within a component that can be modified on a component instance. (Values include: text, rich text, images, video, and visibility) Or, you can connect component properties to a CMS field to pull in data from your CMS Collections. Learn more about defining component properties and modifying values

Note: Support to modify style properties is under development.

Edits to the main component will affect every component instance (unless that component instance has component properties applied to specific elements within the component). 

When editing the main component, you can change the structure and element order to simultaneously affect all component instances across your site. 

For example, you might have a card design that’s set up as a component. The card component contains a heading element, a paragraph element, and a button element — with the button element placed at the very bottom of the card. If you edit the main component of the card and move the button from the bottom of the card to the top, that change will affect all instances of the card component across your site.

2 component instances display the same content and layout in each. A heading, a paragraph, and a couple buttons. 
When editing the main component, if you move the button to the top of the component, that button’s position will change across all instances of the component.

Edits to the main component affect each instance, unless specifically modified in a component instance. Learn more about defining component properties and modifying content. 

Exit the main component

Once you’re done editing the main component you can exit the main component by:

  • Clicking Back to instance in the top left corner of the Designer
  • Clicking outside the component on the canvas 
  • Pressing Escape on your keyboard
Click “Back to instance” in the top left corner of the Designer to exit the main component.

After you’ve stopped editing the main component, keep in mind that any edits you make to elements in a component instance will only affect that specific component instance. 

Edit components in the Editor

If you’ve invited content editors to update your site’s content in the Editor, any changes they make to component elements that are not modified with a component property and are consistent across all instances, will apply to all other instances. 

This is also indicated by an informational note that appears when hovering over the element to be edited. 

When a content editor makes a change to an element that is consistent across all component instances, they’ll see an informational note letting them know their changes will affect all other synced elements.

Alternatively, if the content editor makes changes to component elements that are modified via a component property, those changes will only apply to the component instance they’re editing.

Rename a component

To rename a component: 

  1. Open the Components panel 
  2. Hover over a component name and click the “pencil” icon that appears to the right of the component
  3. Make your changes and Save
The pencil icon is highlighted in the Components panel next to a component name.

To rename a component using quick find: 

  1. Hover over the component’s name in the search result 
  2. Click the “pencil” icon that appears to the right of the component
  3. Make your changes and Save
Note: Access quick find with the keyboard shortcut Command + E (on Mac) or Control + E (on Windows). Learn how to use quick find.

Delete a component

To delete a component completely:

  1. Remove all instances of the component from your site
  2. Open the Components panel
  3. Click the “pencil” icon that appears to the right of the component
  4. Click “Delete” and confirm

How to define component properties 

Note: If you’re creating a component that will have the exact same content in each instance (like nav bars, footers, and some forms) you don’t need to create component properties for that component’s elements.

Component properties let you define specific elements within a component that can be modified with unique values on a component instance. 

This is great for recurring layout patterns whose structure should be uniform, but that have unique content in each instance. Or, you might want to slightly adjust the structure by hiding or showing specific elements in different component instances.

Let’s walk through: 

Supported properties

Supported component properties include: 

Note: Support to modify style properties is under development.

Content properties

Content properties allow you to customize your element content in a component instance. For example, let’s say you have a hero section design that you want to use in multiple pages across your site. The design structure doesn’t need to change, but you do need different paragraph content in each component instance. You can create a component property for your paragraph, and modify that paragraph content anywhere the instance appears in your site. 

A paragraph’s content (left) is modified via a component property (right) in a component instance.

Supported elements include:

  • Text (e.g., paragraphs, headings, etc.)
  • Image
  • Video 
  • Link (e.g., buttons, link blocks)
  • Rich text

Visibility properties

Visibility properties allow you to flexibly create layout variations on different component instances by showing or hiding specific elements. 

For example, you could create navbar variations by showing and hiding links or buttons within the navbar component. Or you could create button variations by showing and hiding different icons. You could even create entire section variations by showing and hiding multiple different elements in the component, like images, videos, buttons, links, and more. 

Visibility properties can be used on all elements.

A navbar component contains a “Buy now” button. Its visibility is managed via a visibility property. On the homepage component instance, the button is visible (top example). On the checkout page component instance, the button is hidden since it’s not needed during checkout (bottom example).
Pro tip: If you’re having trouble selecting a hidden element in a component instance, open the Navigator, and select the hidden element from within the component’s element hierarchy. 
You can locate hidden elements in components by expanding the component hierarchy in the Navigator panel. Hidden elements are indicated by a “struck-through eye” icon. In this example, “Button Primary” is hidden by visibility conditions.
Good to know: Elements set to “hidden” are removed from the DOM (Document Object Model) order. Because the DOM order specifies the logical structure of sites and the way they’re accessed and manipulated, this means hidden component elements won’t be read by an assistive device, and promotes a more accessible experience for your site visitors. It also eliminates repeated content, and doesn’t negatively affect SEO.

Create properties from a component instance

Once you’ve created component properties (i.e., you’ve defined them), you can then modify property values on any component instance in your site. This allows you to create custom content on different component instances.

You can create component properties from a component instance in 3 ways: 

Double-click a component element on the canvas to make changes to a component instance

To quickly modify text, image, or rich text element content:

  1. Locate the component instance that contains the element you want to modify
  2. Double-click the element you want to update
  3. Modify the element’s property values (e.g., type a new heading, replace an image, etc.)
You can double-click into a text, image or rich text element to directly modify its content (its property values). In this example, the word “unique” has been added to a paragraph.

After you modify the element’s property values, and with that element still selected, the new component property will be available in the Element settings panel. The element’s property name will be indicated in blue and will be automatically generated for you. If you want to change the auto-generated name, read more about managing component properties.

The paragraph’s property (and its modified value) is available in the Element settings panel.

Use the mini settings menu to make changes to a component instance

  1. Locate the component instance on your site that you’d like to customize
  2. Select the component element whose properties you want to modify
  3. Click the “cog” icon in the element’s label
  4. Click “Create” next to the property whose values you’d like to modify (e.g., text, image, visibility, etc.) 
  5. Modify the element’s property values (e.g., update the text, replace the image, set the visibility, etc.)
Click the “cog” icon to pull up the mini settings menu. 
After you’ve created a property, you can modify its value via the property. In this example, the heading was modified from its default value of “Zen in your pocket” to “Pocket the Zen.” 

After you modify the element’s property values, and with that element still selected, the new component property will be available in the Element settings panel. The element’s property name will be indicated in blue and will be automatically generated for you. If you want to change the auto-generated name, read more about managing component properties.

The heading’s property (and its modified value) is available in the Element settings panel.

Use the Element settings panel to make changes to a component instance

  1. Locate the component instance on your site that you’d like to customize
  2. Select the component element whose properties you want to modify
  3. Open the Element settings panel
  4. Click “Create” next to the property whose values you’d like to modify (e.g., text, image, visibility, etc.) 
  5. Modify the element’s property values (e.g., update the text, replace the image, set the visibility, etc.)
Use the Element settings panel to create properties for elements whose values you’d like to modify.

The element’s property name will be indicated in blue and will be automatically generated for you. If you want to change the auto-generated name, read more about managing component properties.

The heading’s property (and its modified value) is available in the Element settings panel.

Create properties from the main component

Alternatively, you can first create component properties directly in the main component. This allows you to connect component elements to properties later. To create a component property in a main component:  

  1. Select a component’s parent element (i.e., the element that contains all the rest of the elements in the component) and edit the main component 
  2. Go to Element settings > Component properties > Manage properties
  3. Click the “plus” icon to create a new property
  4. Choose the type, give the property a name based on its function in your design, and define its default values (e.g., add text content, set the image, toggle the visibility, etc.)
The plus icon is highlighted in the Manage properties section of component properties in the Element settings panel.
The property settings for a new property are shown. You can select its type, give it a name, and define its default values.

How to modify property values on component instances

After you’ve created a property, exit the main component to go back to the individual component instance. Here you can modify component property values to customize your content or visibility on the instance. 

You can modify your component instances in 2 ways:

 Learn about the differences between static and dynamic content.

Modify properties with static values

The quickest way to edit static content in component properties is to:

  1. Locate the component instance that contains the element whose values you want to modify
  2. Double-click the element or open the mini settings menu of the element whose properties you want to modify (e.g., a heading, image, visibility, etc.)
  3. Modify the element’s property values (e.g., update the text, replace the image, set the visibility, etc.)
Good to know: You can also view and modify your selected component instance’s element property values by opening the Element settings panel and modifying values directly from there. 
Select your component instance and open the Element settings panel to get an overview of all the component properties and their values. You can also modify any values directly from this section. 

To revert component properties to their default values, you can choose to reset all properties at once, or reset them individually. 

To reset all properties to their default values at once:

  1. Select your component or an element in the component
  2. Open Element settings > Component properties
  3. Click the “arrow” icon and choose “Reset
The component properties reset arrow is highlighted in the component properties section of the Element settings panel.

To reset a single property to its default value: 

  1. Select your component or an element in the component
  2. Open Element settings > Component properties
  3. Click the component property’s name (it will be shown in blue)
  4. Click “Reset
In the Element settings panel, click any of the component property names to pull up the option to revert to default content. 

Connect properties to CMS data 

To reuse layouts across different CMS Collection pages while preserving a consistent design, you can also connect and display CMS collection data in your component instances without needing to unlink from the main component.

You can connect properties to the following CMS fields:

  • Date / Time
  • Plain text
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Video link
  • Link
  • Option
  • Number
  • Image
  • Rich text
  • File
  • Reference

Keep in mind that you must have already created a Collection in your site in order to connect component properties to the Collection field data. Learn more about CMS Collections and Collection fields

Note: Support for use with Collection lists is under development.

To connect a component property to CMS Collection data on a Collection page: 

  1. Open Pages panel > CMS Collection pages and choose the page that contains your component
  2. Select the component parent element (or an individual element in the component)
  3. Open the Element settings panel
  4. (Optional) Create a component property if a property doesn’t already exist for the element you want to connect
  5. Click the “purple dot” icon next to the property’s modifiable content
  6. Choose the Collection field from the menu (e.g., Name, Published on, Thumbnail image, etc.)

The component instance will now display the Collection field’s content (as long as the Collection field is populated with data in your Collection).

After clicking the “purple dot” icon, a list of Collection fields to connect to will appear. This example connects the “Heading 2 - Text” to a Collection field.

To disconnect an element from a Collection field:

  1. Open Pages panel > CMS Collection pages and choose the page that contains your component
  2. Select the component element you want to disconnect
  3. Open the Element settings panel
  4. Click the property’s purple menu
  5. Choose “Disconnect
The Disconnect option is highlighted after clicking a property that is linked to a Collection field.

How to manage component properties 

By managing properties in the Element settings panel, you can see a list of your main component’s properties, determine whether they’re connected or disconnected from elements in your component, and can interact with each of the properties to adjust default settings and property values.

Access the Manage properties section

You can access the Manage properties section of the Element settings panel in 1 of 2 ways:

  • Manage properties through the component’s parent element
  • Manage properties via a component’s child element

Manage properties through the component’s parent element

  1. Select your component’s parent element
  2. Open the Element settings panel
  3. Click “Edit component” 
  4. Go to Component properties > Manage properties
A list of properties is shown under the Manage properties section of component properties in the Element settings panel. 

Manage properties via a component’s child element

Alternatively, you can also manage component properties if you have first clicked a child element of the component (instead of the parent element):

  1. Select the child element of your component
  2. Open the Element settings panel
  3. Click “Edit component” 
  4. Open the element’s settings section (depending on the element you have selected, the section heading will look slightly different, e.g., “Heading 1 settings, Image settings, etc.)
  5. Click the purple dropdown menu and choose “Manage properties” 
The manage properties option is highlighted in an element’s settings in the Element settings panel.

Interact with each component property

From here, you can interact with each component property to: 

Update the default values of a property

To update a default property’s values:

  1. Open the Manage properties section of the Element settings panel
  2. Click any property listed under Manage properties to open that property’s settings
  3. Click the “Type” dropdown to modify the property type (e.g, text, rich text, video, etc.)
  4. Click into any additional fields to update the default values (e.g., URL, text content, etc.)
The property settings for a property are shown. You can modify its type, change its name, and define its default values.

Rename a property

To rename a property:

  1. Open the Manage properties section of the Element settings panel
  2. Click any property listed under Manage properties to open that property’s settings 
  3. Click the “Name” field and rename the property based on its function in your design
The property settings for a property are shown, and its default name has been updated. 

You can also rename a property via the mini settings menu or the Element settings panel:

  1. Select element connected to the property you want to rename
  2. Open its mini settings menu or open the Element settings panel
  3. Click the “cog” icon to the right of the property name that you want to change
  4. Type in your new name and Save
The cog icon to the right of a property name is highlighted. 
The Rename property modal window is shown with the default property name selected.

Determine which element is connected to a property

To determine which element (or elements) are connected to a property:

  1. Open the Manage properties section of the Element settings panel
  2. Click any property listed under Manage properties to open that property’s settings 
  3. View the connected element list at the bottom of the settings modal window
  4. Click any connected element from the list to access that specific element’s settings
The list of element connections to a property is highlighted in the property settings for a property.

Delete a property

To delete a property:

  1. Open the Manage properties section of the Element settings panel
  2. Hover over the property’s name
  3. Click the “trash” icon
The “trash” icon is highlighted next to a property under the Manage properties section of component properties in the Element settings panel. 

If the property is still connected to a component element and you delete it, you’ll be warned that deleting the property will disconnect it from that component element (or multiple elements if it was connected to several elements in the component). 

The properties will be deleted from the main component, but their values will still appear on the component instances in which they were created until they are deleted from each instance separately.

To delete component properties separately from each instance: 

  1. Select your component instance’s parent element
  2. Open the Element settings panel 
  3. Locate any disconnected component property (disconnected properties are yellow)
  4. Click the component property’s name
  5. Click “Delete
The “delete” option is shown in the Element settings panel after clicking a disconnected property in a component instance.
Delete and reconnect elements to previously set component properties

If you delete an element from the main component, each corresponding element in other component instances will also be deleted (even if they’ve been modified with unique content via component properties). However, component properties and their applied values will still remain for each instance (even if the element originally connected to that property has been deleted). 

Because previously used component properties remain, you can connect new or existing elements to them. Those elements will then reflect the values applied to the previously set properties (e.g., updated text content, images, visibility, etc.). You can even connect multiple elements to the same property so each of the elements display the same content or visibility settings.

For example, let’s say you’ve created an interaction with 2 different states, but you need content in each state to always be the same. You can connect elements in each state to the same property and your values will remain consistent. 

Add a new property

To add a new property:

  1. Open the Manage properties section of the Element settings panel
  2. Click the “plus” icon to create a new property
  3. Choose the “Type,” give the property a name based on its function in your design, and update its unique values (e.g., add text content, set the image, toggle the visibility, etc.)
The plus icon is highlighted in the Manage properties section of component properties in the Element settings panel.
The property settings for a new property are shown. You can select its type, give it a name, and define its default values.
Note: Your new property will be disconnected until you connect a component element to it.

Disconnect a property

You can disconnect properties under the Manage properties section of the main component. To disconnect a property from a component element: 

  1. Open the Manage properties section of the Element settings panel
  2. Click the property’s name that you want to disconnect
  3. Click the element it’s connected to
  4. Click the element’s purple dropdown menu under its settings and choose “Disconnect”
Note: If your property is connected to multiple elements, you’ll need to repeat the disconnecting process for each connected element. 
The Disconnect option is highlighted in an element’s settings in the Element settings panel.

You can now click the “purple dot” icon (or purple dropdown menu) to choose another property to connect to that specific element.

How to nest components

You can nest components within other components to build and maintain complex layouts more easily and efficiently. For example, you can make a button a component. You can then nest that button component inside various other components in your site. You could put it inside your navigation component, your hero section component, or your feature card component. 

A “Button” component is nested inside a “Card” component, which is also seen in the element hierarchy in the Navigator panel on the left. 

This allows you to independently update each component in 1 place and see those changes impact every other instance.

You can nest components in 2 ways: 

Nest an existing component

To nest an existing component into another existing component:

  1. Select the component in which you want to place another component
  2. Edit the main component
  3. Open the Components panel (or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + A)
  4. Drag a component from the panel into the selected component on the canvas or in the Navigator, and release

Create a new nested component from elements in an existing component

To create a new component inside an existing component:

  1. Select the component in which you want to place another component
  2. Edit the main component
  3. Open the Style panel or the Element settings panel
  4. Click “Create component” 
  5. Give your new component a name and click Create
Good to know: You can also create a new nested component by editing the main component. Then, right-click the element you want to turn into a new, nested component and choose “Create component.” Or, use the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + A (on Mac) or Control + Shift + A (on Windows).

Additionally, you can create a component from a parent element that already contains a component. For example, let’s say you have a non-component card (e.g., a div block) that contains a button element. You’ve turned the button element into a component. Now you want to turn the entire card into a component, too. Select the button component’s parent element (the card div block) and create a new component from the div block. This results in the button component being nested inside the card div block component.  

Connect nested component properties to parent component properties

When you nest a component (that has component properties set) within another component that also has component properties set, you have the option to connect the nested component’s properties to the parent component’s properties. This means the nested component properties can use modified values from the parent component instances. 

For example, let’s say you have a card. In that card is a heading, some paragraph text, and a button. The card is a component. The button element inside the card is also a component (i.e., a nested component). You can choose to connect the button’s text to any of the card’s text, as long as each element in the component has component properties set. 

To link a nested component’s properties to a parent component’s properties:

  1. Select the parent component of the nested component and edit the main component
  2. Select the nested component whose element(s) you want want to connect to a parent component property 
  3. Open the Element settings panel > Component properties
  4. (Optional) Click “Create” if no component property exists for the element you want to modify, and continue to step 6
  5. Locate the component property you want to connect to the parent component property
  6. Click the “purple dot” icon (or the purple menu if the property is already connected)
  7. Choose the name of the parent component property to connect
This example connects the nested button component’s text block property to one of the parent card component’s properties.
After connecting the nested button component’s text block property to the parent card component’s heading property, the button component now displays the parent property’s value.

How to unlink a component instance from its main component

To unlink a component instance and make changes to it independent of the main component:

  1. Right-click any component element in the instance you want to unlink
  2. Choose Unlink instance 

Once unlinked, if you edit any other linked instance of that component in your design, it will not change the unlinked instance.

The Unlink instance option is highlighted in the menu that appears after right-clicking a component element.