Webflow branding

Remove Webflow branding from your published and/or exported sites.

This video features an old UI. Updated version coming soon!

In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  1. How to hide Webflow branding from a published site
  2. How to remove/alter Webflow branding manually

By default, Webflow branding, such as the “Made in Webflow” badge, will appear on your published sites. Other references to Webflow may also appear in the site’s source code (HTML).

The “Made in Webflow” badge is highlighted on a published Ecommerce site.

How to hide Webflow branding from a published site

You can turn Webflow branding off under Site settings > General tab > Webflow branding. Then, make sure to save your changes and publish your site.

Note: Changes to your Webflow branding settings won’t take effect until your site is published.
Webflow branding settings in the General tab of Site settings. The settings for “Display ‘Made in Webflow’ badge” and “Display Webflow branding in HTML” are both set to OFF.

Display “Made in Webflow” badge

This setting will be on by default when you create a new site on all Workspace plans except on the Growth, Agency, and Enterprise plans. When the setting is on, the badge will appear on your published site — both on the Webflow staging subdomain (e.g., yoursite.webflow.io) and the custom domain (e.g., www.yourwebsite.com). 

You can hide the badge if you have a Growth, Agency, or Enterprise Workspace plan or a paid site plan. If you already have a Growth, Agency, or Enterprise Workspace at the time you create your site, this setting will be off by default.

Important: A paid site plan or Growth, Agency, or Enterprise Workspace is required to remove Webflow branding. If you use the Webflow staging subdomain (e.g., yoursite.webflow.io) for websites outside of Webflow (such as in the Pages plugin for WordPress or in a reverse proxy server configuration), you’ll need to purchase a site plan, add a custom domain or subdomain to your site, and use that custom domain in your reverse proxy or plugin setup in order to remove the “Made in Webflow” badge. 

Display Webflow branding in HTML

This setting is on by default, meaning that the source code will include references to Webflow. You can toggle this setting off to hide these references if you’re subscribed to a Growth, Agency, or Enterprise Workspace or have a paid site plan. 

When the setting is toggled off, the following comment at the top of your site’s HTML is removed automatically: 

<!-- This site was created in Webflow. https://www.webflow.com -- >

Code comment at the top of a site’s HTML document shown in the dev tools Inspector reads: “This site was created in Webflow. https://www.webflow.com” 

Additionally, when you export your site after toggling off Webflow branding, the exported files are renamed as follows: 

  • webflow.js -> your-site-name.js
  • webflow.css -> components.css

Learn more about code export

A Webflow site’s exported CSS, HTML, and JS files. There are no references to Webflow in the file names. 
Note: Toggling off Webflow branding in HTML will not remove all Webflow-specific terms and references in your site’s code. Some references may need to be removed manually

How to remove/alter Webflow branding manually

Important: A paid site plan or Growth, Agency, or Enterprise Workspace is required to remove Webflow branding. If you use the Webflow staging subdomain (e.g., yoursite.webflow.io) for websites outside of Webflow (such as in the Pages plugin for WordPress or in a reverse proxy server configuration), you’ll need to purchase a site plan, add a custom domain or subdomain to your site, and use that custom domain in your reverse proxy or plugin setup in order to remove the “Made in Webflow” badge. 

If you export a Webflow site, even if you’re on a Growth, Agency, or Enterprise Workspace, your site’s code may still contain Webflow-specific terms and references, such as class names with the prefix “w-”.

You can manually remove the following references from the code: 

  • Class names (e.g., “w-slider” can be changed to “ys-slider”)
  • Metadata
  • Site and page IDs
Important: All changes to exported Webflow code are done at your own risk and are outside the scope of Webflow support. For questions regarding custom code, please submit a post on the Webflow Forum