The Designer has many keyboard shortcuts to help you speed up your design workflow. The quickest way to see the list of all shortcuts in the Designer is pressing Shift + /. You can also access this list from the help menu on the bottom left of the Designer.
General keyboard shortcuts
- Show shortcut cheatsheet: Shift + /
- Save as Snapshot: Shift + Command + S (Mac) or Shift + Control + S (Windows)
- Deselect Element/Exit: Esc
- Delete Element: Delete
- Show Publish Dialog: Shift + P
- Show Export Code Dialog: Shift + E
- Edit element: Enter
View shortcuts
- Preview mode: Shift + Command + P (Mac) or Shift + Control + P (Windows)
- Guide overlay: Shift + Command + G (Mac) or Shift + Control + G (Windows)
- Show element edges: Shift + Command + E (Mac) or Shift + Control + E (Windows)
- X-ray mode: Shift + Command + X (Mac) or Shift + Control + X (Windows)
Left-hand toolbar shortcuts
- Show Add panel: A
- Show Navigator tab: Z
- Show Pages panel: P
- Show Symbols panel: Shift + A
- Make selected element a Symbol: Command + Shift + A (Mac) or Control + Shift + A (Windows)
- Show Asset Manager: J
Right-hand tabs shortcuts
- Show Style tab: S
- Show Settings tab: D
- Show Style Manager tab: G
- Show Interactions tab: H
Copy/paste shortcuts
- Copy: Command + C (Mac) or Control + C (Windows)
- Cut: Command + X (Mac) or Control +X (Windows)
- Paste: Command + V (Mac) or Control +V (Windows)
- Duplicate: Command + D (Mac) or Control + D (Windows)
- Duplicate: Option + Drag (Mac) or Alt + Drag (Windows)
Undo/redo shortcuts
- Undo: Command + Z (Mac) or Control + Z (Windows)
- Redo: Shift + Command + Z (Mac) or Shift + Control + Z (Windows)
Device view shortcuts
- Desktop: 1
- Tablet: 2
- Phone (landscape): 3
- Phone (portrait): 4
Style panel shortcuts
- Margin / padding (all sides): Hold Shift + Drag
- Margin / padding (top + bottom or left + right): Hold Alt + drag
- Add class to selected element: Command + Enter (Mac) or Control + Enter (Windows)
- Rename Last Class on Selected Element: Command + Shift + Enter (Mac) or Control + Shift + Enter (Windows)
Other shortcuts
- Expand/collapse panel sections: Alt + click on section
- Select parent / child element: Up arrow / Down arrow
- Select sibling element: Left arrow / Right arrow
- Select next / previous element: Alt + Left arrow / Right arrow
- Toggle Collaborators on selected element: Command + Shift + L (Mac) or Control + Shift + L (Windows)
- Quick Find: Command + E (Mac) or Control + E (Windows) / Command + K (Mac) or Control + K (Windows)