Ultimate web design course

Start off the year with a 21-day portfolio challenge

Beginner - Intermediate

The Ultimate web design course includes over 100 videos. It starts with everything you need to know to get started with Webflow and eases into more advanced design concepts. You'll learn the basics of HTML, how CSS classes and subclasses function, how to construct a page design with elements like containers, divs, flexboxes, and grids. And of course, we'll take you through how to use one of our most powerful features — Webflow CMS. By the time you finish this course, you'll be able to build some pretty amazing stuff.

From the fundamentals to advanced topics — learn how to build sites in Webflow and become the designer you always wanted to be.

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Course progress

Nice job, we did some time travel into the future and it is looking amazing!




Lessons done

The Ultimate web design course includes over 100 videos. It starts with everything you need to know to get started with Webflow and eases into more advanced design concepts. You'll learn the basics of HTML, how CSS classes and subclasses function, how to construct a page design with elements like containers, divs, flexboxes, and grids. And of course, we'll take you through how to use one of our most powerful features — Webflow CMS. By the time you finish this course, you'll be able to build some pretty amazing stuff.

The challenge

Be a website hero
The ultimate navbar
Magical CMS layout
Formulate leads and science
Virtual shoes for your site
Hello, it's responsiveness
Show off your project pages
Project pages working everywhere, anywhere
The optimum contact page
Show us your contact page
Test your Open Graph settings
Shine a light
Bring your portfolio to life
Lost, but never forgotten
Practice accessibility
Share your design in progress
Ready, set, publish!
Portfolio verification
Update your CMS
Showcase your portfolio

Ready to get certified?

Test your web design and development knowledge learned in the Webflow 101 course. Challenge yourself with questions about the principles of the web, like the box model, HTML and CSS.

Go to Webflow 101 exam

The challenge

Site Build: Hero
Site Build: Navigation
Site Build: Logos
Site Build: Cards
Site Build: Form
Site Build: Footer
Site Build: Responsiveness
Site Build: Publishing the site

Check out the new Figma to Webflow plugin

Ready to get certified?

Once you’ve completed the Webflow Expert Certification Course, you’re all set to take the next step in becoming a Webflow Expert. Please note: passing the Expert exam does not guarantee entry into the Webflow Expert program.

Go to Webflow Experts exams

Course outline

Getting started
Web structure
Buttons & links
Styling basics
Layout basics
Flexbox & grid
Advanced layout
Styling typography
Background & border styles
3D styles
Responsive design
Interactions core concepts
CMS & dynamic content
CMS Collection fields
Advanced dynamic content

Ultimate web design course

Getting started
Getting started
Web structure
Web structure
Buttons & links
Buttons & links
Styling basics
Styling basics
Layout basics
Layout basics
Flexbox & grid
Flexbox & grid
Advanced layout
Advanced layout
Styling typography
Styling typography
Background & border styles
Background & border styles
3D styles
3D styles
Responsive design
Responsive design
Interactions core concepts
Interactions core concepts
CMS & dynamic content
CMS & dynamic content
CMS Collection fields
CMS Collection fields
Advanced dynamic content
Advanced dynamic content
No items found.

Intro to HTML

Learn about HTML, CSS, and how Webflow generates this code while you design.

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Intro to the box model

Learn about the box model and how it shapes web design.

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Navbar menu button

Use the navbar menu button to organize menu links on mobile devices.

Text link

Add, nest, and style text links.

Image file types

Learn about bitmap, GIF, PNG, JPEG, SVG, and WebP.

Image resolution

Discover how image resolution can affect the speed of your website and how you can optimize your images for better user experience.

Video field

The video field is a CMS field used in Collections. It allows you to add videos via a link from third-party online video hosts Vimeo and YouTube.

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Add, customize, and reuse a navbar.


Use the lightbox element to display images or videos inside a full-screen modal window.

Style panel overview

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HTML tags

In Webflow, HTML tags give us an easy way to control the default styling for a particular element, without creating a unique class. For example, you can define the default styles for all paragraphs by editing the All Paragraphs tag. Adding a class with styles will override these default styles.

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Text style inheritance overview

In Webflow, as in code, elements pass their typographic style information down to their children. You can set text styles on parent elements, these styles will cascade down, and you can override these styles on their child elements.

It’s common to use this technique to set global font styles on the Body tag, to align text and other elements inside of sections, and to override default link block styles. In this article, we’ll cover three examples of how text style cascading works:

  1. From the body tag
  2. ‍From Webflow's section element
  3. ‍From Webflow's link block
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Style Manager

Use the Style Manager to rename, clean up, and search for classes and tags.

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To add some interactivity to your elements in Webflow, you can change the way they look and behave using states. As you're styling an element, clicking the States menu lets you toggle between the various states, like Hover and Pressed, you can access and style.

In this video, we'll explain the four states you can style for any element:

  1. None
  2. ‍Hover
  3. ‍Pressed
  4. ‍Focused
  5. Focused (keyboard)

Then show you how to style those states to indicate interactivity. Then we'll dig into applying transitions to smooth out the change from one state to another, and finally, discuss the "current" state, which is a handy indicator for navigational links.

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In the Style panel, you can define the spacing (margin and padding) for each element. In this article, we’ll cover what each of these layout controls is and how they’ll affect your elements. These properties make it possible to create responsive websites with content that reflows while creating consistent spacing.

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The position settings in the Style panel allow you to set the relative positioning of elements, the float settings, and the clear settings.


Flexbox, also known as flex or flexible box layout, allows you to control the alignment of elements in a box in any way you’d like — solving complex layout problems that designers have been struggling with for years.


The grid layout in Webflow brings CSS grid to life on a completely visual canvas, giving you more direct control over your layout and design. With grid, you can reposition and resize items anywhere within the grid you define to produce powerful, responsive layouts — faster.

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Apply a z-index value

In this lesson:

  1. What is a z-index value?
  2. Use a z-index value to stack elements
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Format your text with search engines and accessibility in mind.


Setting the background on an element gives you control over appearance and legibility. In the Backgrounds section of the Style panel, you can add a background image, gradient, or color to most elements (except media elements like video and image).

3D movement & parallax

In this article we’ll cover some fundamental 3D concepts on the web. Check out the 2D & 3D transforms guide to learn how to put these concepts into practice on your Webflow project.


Customize your designs for small and large screens using Webflow's 7 built-in responsive breakpoints.

Intro to Interactions

Use interactions to make your site more dynamic and engaging.

Triggers and animations

Triggers and animations are the two primary aspects of any interaction.

Intro to dynamic content

An explanation of static and dynamic content.

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Intro to Webflow CMS

A CMS (content management system) is a tool for managing and publishing dynamic content. The website references that dynamic content on different pages. So anytime you or your client creates or changes content in the CMS, it updates all the pages where it’s referenced, instantly.

The Webflow CMS gives you full control over your content structure and how this content is designed throughout your project — all without you even touching a line of code.

In this video, we'll introduce some basic concepts behind the CMS, including:

  1. ‍Structuring content
  2. ‍Referencing content
  3. ‍Editing content
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Import collection items

Use a CSV file to import thousands of Collection items or just a select few into your Webflow site in one go.

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Modify a Collection

Once you’ve created a Collection, you can go back and edit collection items, fields, and other settings—even after the site has been published.

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Plain text field overview

The plain text field is a CMS field you can use in your Collections. This field is best used for basic textual content that doesn't need special formatting like headings, inline styles, or inline media like images or video. In this video, we'll explain how to add and use plain text fields in your Webflow CMS Collections.

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Rich text field

The rich text field is a CMS field used in Collections. Us it to give collaborators all the text formatting options they expect from a writing tool, including bold, italics, inline images, links, and more. In this video, we'll explain how to add and use rich text fields in your Webflow CMS Collections.

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Image field

The image field is a CMS field used in Collections that allows you and your collaborators to upload an image to your Collection items and use it in your designs. In this video, we'll show you how to use the image field.

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Link field

The link field is a CMS field used in Collections to dynamically add links to your designs.

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Number field overview

The number field is a CMS field used in Collections, handy for displaying numeric values like statistics, prices, page counts, file sizes, and more.

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Switch field

The switch field is a CMS field used in Collections, usually as a filtering tool. Like any toggle, it has two values: Yes or No. Collaborators can toggle a switch on or off to specify, for example, if a blog post “is featured.”

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Option field overview

The option field is a CMS field used in Collections. It gives collaborators a list of predefined values to choose from.

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Dynamic content limitations

The CMS provides a set of limits around the number of dynamic content we can add on a per-page basis. These limits improve and maintain fast loading speeds of our projects and prevent slow-loading projects from being created.

Advanced CMS filtering

In this lesson, we'll update our projects CMS Collection by adding a new client project and we'll filter our CMS layouts for a more advanced and curated showcase.

Nest Collection lists

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Google site verification

Verify ownership of your website and gain access to Google Search Console tools, like indexing.

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Google Analytics

Add Google Analytics to your Webflow site.

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Paid vs. organic search

For the vast majority of search engines, search engine results pages feature two different forms of results:

  1. Paid search results, or ads
  2. Organic search results, which are ranked by relevance and, to an extent, reputability

In this video, we'll go into more detail on the difference, and how the two types can impact your marketing efforts.

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Reference field

Use reference fields to connect items from different Collections.

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Multi-reference field

A multi-reference field lets you associate one item with multiple items from another Collection, which is great for tagging and categorization.

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301 redirects

Use 301 redirects to route traffic from an old URL to a new URL.

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Intro to Webflow

Learn your way around the Webflow Designer.

Intro to the CMS Editor

The Editor lets you update and add content in a simple interface, which is great for clients or teammates who don't need the complexity of the Designer.

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  • Chrome or Safari browser
Clone this project
Use this version to clone the completed project
Clone this project
Blank pages without hitting page limits
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